Latest Projects

Finals Roulette 1/25/2025

Built a custom application for generating random builds for the game, THE FINALS.


Alora Paulsen 11/4/2024

Created and maintained a professional portfolio website for my wife, Alora Paulsen.


Console-ing Passions 2023 6/1/2023

Created and maintained an informational website for the Console-ing Passions conference in 2023

typescriptnode.jsgraphqlnext.jsstitches.jsuser interfacedesign

Portfolios by Contra 4/25/2023

Contra's first paid outing for the Portfolios product as part of Contra Pro gave users the ability to create bold, well-designed representations of their work

typescriptnode.jsgraphqlnext.jsstitches.jsuser interface

Stream Source 11/1/2021

A webpage overlay for OBS Studio streaming to capture events, statistics, and donation levels for a charity stream in Fall 2021


Nissan Shopping Tools 8/5/2020

A re-imagining of the Shopping Tools experience for the NissanUSA website


LodgeLink 5/24/2019

LodgeLink 2.0 is an online accommodations marketplace designed to make booking accommodations for yourself, or your workforce as easy as possible

reactreduxwordpressjavascriptreact native 10/15/2018 is an open source project built and maintained entirely by volunteers

reactrubyruby on railscsstypescript

Scrabble Master 9/1/2018

Be better at Scrabble through the magic of code


Learn Ditidaht 8/23/2018

An application to help kids re-learn a nearly lost language

reactreduxwordpressjavascriptreact native